Disability & Special Needs Planning

- Meets -

Total Wealth Management

Planning principles from a parent’s perspective



    How can you take advantage of as many publicly funded benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Medicaid and Medicare, and state waiver programs, while not becoming entirely dependent on these programs?

    We ensure you understand how these benefits work now and in the future, as well as taking full advantage of them.


    How much do you and your family need to live comfortably now?

    How much will it cost to continue caring for your loved one with a disability or special needs when you’re no longer here?

    We help you answer these questions.

    We like to think of it as 2 retirements:

    1. Your retirement from work

    2. The life of your loved one with a disability or special needs after you’re no longer here.


    How can you possibly hope to save enough for yourself and your loved one(s) with a disability or special needs?

    Well, you can’t save your way to a successful future.

    You must invest, allowing compounding to work for you and your loved ones, both day and night.

    We help you focus on what we can control, not the noise.


    How can you ensure your planning survives you?

    Who will help your dependent child with decision making? How will you transfer assets while still protecting their public benefits like SSI and Medicaid?

    We help you organize your estate plan, strategizing and connecting you with attorneys who specialize in working with our unique families.


    Who can you depend on, both now, and when you’re no longer here to support you and your dependent child with a disability or special needs?

    Don’t do it alone.

    We help you build a team of support persons including care managers, guardians, trustees, microboards, etc.

A parent’s perspective

I’m a parent of a child with special needs, too! We adopted one of our children from Colombia, and her rare syndrome welcomed our family into the disability and special needs community.

These personal experience as a parent to a child with special needs, combined with my expertise in financial planning, inspired me to found Albility Planning. We exist to help families navigate the complexities of disability and special needs planning with confidence. No family should ever feel alone in this journey. We hope you find confidence, joy, and fulfillment.

A portion of all planning profits donated to help families like yours

  • 50% towards helping prospective families cover the costs of adoption

  • 50% towards supporting families with a disability or special needs

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